Lecture and lab topics

Biological domains

  • RNA-Seq from sequences to analysis: mapping, quantification at gene and transcript level
  • Single cell (droplet based) RNA-seq: exploratory analysis, quality assessment
  • Mass spectrometry-based proteomics and metabolomics
  • Image-based data and spatial omics (CODEX, MERFISH et al.)
  • Emerging topics and participant suggestions

Statistics and data science

  • Introduction to the Bioconductor project (community, infrastructure, data structures, annotation resources)
  • Visualization, including interactivity, PCA and other low-dimensional embeddings, clustering, distances, nearest-neighbour graphs
  • Statistical hypothesis testing, false discovery rate, multiple testing, filtering and weighting
  • Regression: experimental design and design matrices, power, identifiability, diagnostics, generalized linear models
  • Classification / supervised machine learning, multi-omic data integration methods
  • Data manipulation, EDA, and tidy data analysis, applied to high dimensional biological data
  • Reproducibility, best practices for computational research, method comparison, benchmarking
  • Emerging topics and participant suggestions

Schedule (subject to change)

Date/Time Content
Sun 6 July
18:00-20:00 Registration & help desk
18:00-20:00 Get together with drinks
Mon 7 July
08:30-09:15 Lecture: Introduction to Bioconductor
09:15-10:00 Lecture: Transcriptomics: biology of transcription, quantification, batch effects and QC
10:00-10:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
10:30-11:15 Lecture: Regression: power, identifiability, diagnostics
11:15-12:00 Lecture: Statistical testing and multiple hypotheses
12:00-14:00 ~~~ Lunch break ~~~
14:00-15:30 Lab: R and Bioconductor basics
15:30-16:00 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
16:00-17:00 Lab continuation
17:00-17:30 Intro to Project Groups (optional)
20:10-22:00 Evening session: Project groups and discussions
Tue 8 July
08:30-09:15 Lecture: RNA-Seq differential expression
09:15-10:00 Lecture: Single-cell RNA-seq: exploration, quality control, low-dimensional embeddings
10:00-10:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
10:30-11:15 Lecture: Dimension reduction: PCA and other low-dimensional embeddings
11:15-12:00 Lecture: Distances, nearest-neighbour graphs and clustering
12:00-14:00 ~~~ Lunch break ~~~
14:00-15:30 Lab: End-to-end RNA-Seq workflow
14:00-15:30 Lab: Single-cell transcriptomics
15:30-16:00 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
16:00-17:00 Lab continuation
17:00-17:30 Flashlight talks
20:10-22:00 Evening session: Drinks will be provided
Wed 9 July
08:30-09:15 Lecture: Chromatin accessibility and ATAC-seq
09:15-10:00 Lecture: Single cell RNA-seq advanced topics: pseudo-bulking, double-dipping
10:00-10:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
10:30-11:15 Lecture: Multi-condition single cell RNA-seq differential analysis (or when is the right time to categorize?)
11:15-12:00 Lecture: Single cell advanced topics: multi-omics
12:00-14:00 ~~~ Lunch break ~~~
14:00-17:00 Social Programme: Excursion to the mountains and dinner Photos: By WH
Thu 10 July
08:30-09:15 Lecture: Mass spectrometry-based proteomics including single-cell
09:15-10:00 Lecture: Mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
10:00-10:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
10:30-12:00 Lab: Proteomics
10:30-12:00 Lab: Metabolomics
12:00-14:00 ~~~ Lunch break ~~~
14:00-14:45 Lecture: Spatial (transcript)omics
14:45-15:15 Lecture:: Bioconductor advanced topics: annotation resources
15:15-15:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
15:30-17:00 Lab: Multi-condition single cell RNA-seq differential analysis
15:30-17:00 Lab: Intro to Tidyomics: tidy data analysis applied to omics data
15:30-17:00 Lab: Spatial Transcriptomics
15:30-17:00 Lab: Trajectory analysis
15:30-17:00 Lab: Interactive exploration with iSEE
15:30-17:00 Lab: Working with Image Data
17:00-17:30 Flashlight talks
20:10-22:00 Evening session: Drinks will be provided
Fri 11 July
08:30-09:15 Lecture: Design of High Throughput Experiments and their Analysis
09:15-10:00 Lecture: Machine learning (Robert Gentleman)
10:00-10:30 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
10:30-11:15 Lecture: AI tools for biology
11:15-12:00 Lecture: AI tools for biology
12:00 Closing remarks
12:15-14:00 ~~~ Lunch break ~~~
14:00-15:30 Group project presentations
15:30-16:00 ~~~ Coffee ~~~
16:00-16:30 Career panel discussion